British Taekwondo & Hapkido School - Grand Master William Crouch

4 times world martial arts champions, 3 times U.S.A Open Championship

9th Dan Black Belt Taekwondo, 8th Dan Black Belt Hapkido, 9th Dan Black Belt Karate (Tang Soo Do) and 8th Dan Black Belt Kickboxing

Taekwondo 태권도

- Black belt 9th Dan Taekwondo
- 4 times World Champion 1998 ,2001,2004 and 2005
- W.T.F taekwondo styles Championships
- I.T.F. taekwondo style championships
- 15 times International Champion
- USA Open Taekwondo Full Contact Sparring Championships Gold Medal in 1997

Hapkido 합기도

- Black belt 8th Dan Hapkido

Karate (Tang Soo Do)

- Black Belt 9th Dan Tang Soo Do
- Black Belt 8th Dan Kickboxing
- Black Belt 1st Dan Goju Ryu Karate
- Black Belt 1st Dan Shorin Ryu Karate
- Black Belt 1st Dan Shorinji Kempo